Jordan of the Islands
God's Treat

God's Treat

gezüchtet von Jordan of the Islands

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Infos vom Züchter

God's Treat ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Jordan of the Islands' God's Treat ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Jordan of the Islands' God's Treat Beschreibung

Jordan of the Islands God's Treat Like its parents, is quite branchy and does best when this growth is controlled but encouraged in multi-branch cultivation, rather than trimmed for the sea of green type single-cola method. Her flowering time is highly desirable 6-7 weeks.

By harvest time these plants are still quite short and bush-like with fat, football-shaped buds. the lightly loose, airy structure of the flowers gives them better resistance to molds or other nuisanses of wet climates. Although the plant's overall structure has indica tendencies, the leaves are light green and thin, more sativa like in profile than either parent. At harvest, God's Treat gleams with tantalizing crystals. Her aroma and flavor fuse herbal and candy into a sweet alloy that's hard to describe. Her stone adds sativa's blissful head-chakra uplift to the sensuality and durability of indica.

God's Treat offers a lasting high that envelops the mind and body in a lighthearted, spiritually elevated flight.This short, bushy, light green strain is a cross of God Bud and Dutch Treat and produces lots of crystals. The buds are a bit loose but very big and football shaped. It has a floral candy smell and flavor. The buzz is definitely indica, long lasting and uplifting.

From the Big Book of Buds Vol. 2:
Cannabis is considered a sacred plant in some circles. God's Treat is a name that is both promising and slightly whimsical. The name actually takes one work from each of its parents., Dutch Treat and God Bud, both dark green, strong indicas with a reputation for powerful flavor and fun highs. This resilient variety is a determined grower that thrives indoors and outdoors in most climates.

God's Treat, like its parents, is quite branchy and does best when this growth is controlled but encouraged in multi-branch cultivation, rather than trimmed for the sea of green type single-cola method. Her flowering time is highly desirable 6-7 weeks. By harvest time these plants are still quite short and bush-like with fat, football-shaped buds. the lightly loose, airy structure of the flowers gives them better resistance to molds or other nuisanses of wet climates. Although the plant's overall structure has indica tendencies, the leaves are light green and thin, more sativa like in profile than either parent.

At harvest, God's Treat gleams with tantalizing crystals. Her aroma and flavor fuse herbal and candy into a sweet alloy that's hard to describe. Her stone adds sativa's blissful head-chakra uplift to the sensuality and durability of indica. God's Treat offers a lasting high that envelops the mind and body in a lighthearted, spiritually elevated flight.

Genetics: God Bud x Dutch Treat
Flowering Time: 55-65 Days

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