Glue Gasoline

Glue Gasoline

gezüchtet von The KushBrothers Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Glue Gasoline ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±56 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. KushBrothers' Glue Gasoline ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

KushBrothers' Glue Gasoline Beschreibung

The KushBrothers Seeds Glue Gasoline Glue Gasoline is an impressive hybrid introduced in limited edition. A superb work by The Kush Brothers Seeds, an encounter between two high-level genetics such as Grease Monkey and Confidencial OG.

On the one hand Confidencial OG, a well-known variety by this seedbank's followers. It produces a very powerful sedative effect that appears after a strong Indica high. This plant does not yield high quantity of buds, yet the extremely high quality is really surprising. Certainly top flowers that provide a very special aroma, highly appreciated by OG Kush genetics lovers, with very earthy flavours in the mouth and sweet Old School hashish.

In the Glue Gasoline development, Confidecial OG was used to pollinate Grease Monkey, an elite clone from the US seedbank Exotic Genetix. It is a plant of enormous resin production that finishes flowering with buds completely white, and with a high THC content of well over 20%. Grease Monkey contains Gorilla Glue in its lineage (Gorilla Glue #4 x Cookies & Cream), a much more refined Gorilla Glue than the original, with a petrol aroma and vanilla undertones.

Glue Gasoline, powerful cannabis with earthy, sweet, petrol and vanilla aromas
Glue Gasoline turns thanks to the influence of Grease Monkey into a plant with dense buds, very productive, vigorous and easy to cultivate. It is a hybrid with great qualities to elaborate any kind of extraction, with really powerful hashish with earthy and sweet petrol and vanilla aromas. It is definitely a cannabis strain that should not be missed by lovers of powerful plants with earthy and sweet OG flavours.

The Kush Brothers Seeds Glue Gasoline info:
Type: Feminised cannabis seed
Genetics: Grease Monkey x Confidential OG
Genotype: Indica Sativa
Indoor flowering: 8 weeks
Outdoor harvest: October
Indoor yield: High - 500g per m2
Outdoor yield: High
THC: High (〉25%)

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