Galactic Jack

Galactic Jack

gezüchtet von SubCool’s The Dank

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Infos vom Züchter

Galactic Jack ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±65 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. SubCools Galactic Jack ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

SubCools Galactic Jack Beschreibung

SubCool’s The Dank Galactic Jack This sativa hybrid is truly a special plant to the TGA family. It's our way of passing on, not only a great genetic, but also the memory of an even greater activist to our community, the late Jack Herer. The mother plant, Jack Herer was gifted back to the Herer family after his passing in late 2010 through Subcool. This particular phenotype is a true treasure of the pacific Northwest and we felt she had to be worked with, so that indeed we did.

Galatic Jack itself is a very sativa dominant strain with vigor and a large stretch when turned over to its 12/12 light cycle. There are four main phenotypes, one of which tends to be a bit haze dominant, while the other three resemble more of the mother Jack Herer. The citrus, grapefruit, sweet lemonade musk will keep bringing your nose back to the jar for seconds. Typically it is a bit of a heavier smoke, with a lemon after taste on the exhale. Galactic Jack has a light, energetic high, great for the working individual that wants to be high and still accomplish all their daily tasks.

Phenotypes: There are four main phenotypes, one of which tends to be a bit haze dominant, while the other three resemble more of the mother Jack Herer. Within these phenotypes, there are a variety of citrus, grapefruit, and sweet lemonade musk aromas. All phenotypes will have sativa dominate structures and will stretch when flipped to a 12/12 cycle.

Height: Tall
Yield: Medium
Recommended for Indoor only.
Best way to grow: Topping is recommended as well as training to maintain an even canopy. Note- This plant can double in size when flipped to it's flower cycle.
Harvest: 60-70 days
Sat/Ind: 80/20
Hybrid: Jack Herer x Space Queen

High Type: This strain has a light energetic high, very uplifting, great for the working individual that wants to enjoy cannabis while still accomplishing all their daily tasks on time.

Taste/Aroma: Typically it's a bit of a heavier smoke with a lemon after taste on the exhale. In regards to aroma, you will find traces of citrus, grapefruit, and a sweet lemonade musk.

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Galactic Jack Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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