Philosopher Seeds
G13 Hash Plant x Somango

G13 Hash Plant x Somango

gezüchtet von Philosopher Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

G13 Hash Plant x Somango ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±68 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Philosopher Seeds' G13 Hash Plant x Somango ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Philosopher Seeds' G13 Hash Plant x Somango Beschreibung

Philosopher Seeds G13 Hash Plant x Somango It is a cross between two super-resinous Indica dominant strains, resulting in a plant with powerful and heavy flowers with a sweet and penetrating aroma. A perfect variety for concentrate cannabis lovers.

G13 Hash Plant x Somango feminised seeds, Philosopher Seeds Limited Edition
G13 Hash Plant is a 100% Indica strain that combines two top-level lines: the legendary G13, which according to the legend was created in a US laboratory, and Hash Plant by Sensi Seeds, a 100% Afghani hashish strain that provides extra resin production.

It is a compact, robust and powerful Afghan-looking plant. It reaches a medium height, with internodes at medium distance and large leaves with wide leaflets.

It develops a thick and prominent central cola, closely followed by a ramification that reaches half of its height and provides the appearance of a flower knob during the maturation stage. It adapts well both SOG and SCROG cultivation techniques.

It is ready for harvest in about 60-70 days of flowering, producing conical, very hard and compact buds that are distributed by the main cola and the secondary branches' tips. It offers a yield of up to 500g per m2 in an indoor grow tent and a yield of up to 700g per plant in outdoor cultivation.

G13 Hash Plant x Somango, pleasant, relaxing and cheerful
It offers a spicy, exotic and sweet aroma of good earthy cured hashish. Aromas and flavours that intoxicate your senses and leave a mystical smell in the place where you smoke or vaporise it.

It produces a powerful, relaxing and strong effect on a physical and mental level, filling you with calm and peace. It is ideal for loosening muscles and inducing sleep, relieving pain and promoting a serene and restorative rest.

On the other hand Somango, a hybrid between Big Skunk Korean and the mythical Jack Herer (Haze x {Northern Lights #5 x Shiva Skunk}), resulting in plants with a 75/25 Indica Sativa genetics.

It is a plant that develops quickly and vigorously reaching a considerable height. It produces abundant and quite long secondary branches. It is ideal for using the SCROG technique obtaining great results.

G13 Hash Plant x Somango, with sweet, exotic and fruity aroma
It is also well adapted to other techniques such as SOG or Supercropping, but more control is needed in its structure so that it does not exceed vertical growth particularly cultivated indoors.

During the flowering stage, the leaves and buds can acquire purple tones that contrast with a deep green colour. With a thick layer of super-aromatic resin crystals offering tropical mango and ripe fruit notes. Aromas and flavours intensified in a marijuana vaporiser.

The harvest is ready after about 9-10 weeks of maturation, offering a medium-high yield of about 500g per m2 indoors, and about 600-700g per plant cultivated outdoors.

It has a stimulating and creative effect, very pleasant and illuminating, that makes you want to do a lot of things and to talk and at the same time provides a relaxing body feeling but without being demolishing.

Philosopher Seeds G13 Hash Plant x Somango info:
Limited Edition
Type: Feminised cannabis seed
Genetics: G13 Hash Plant x Somango
Indica dominant hybrid
Indoor flowering: 65-70 days
Outdoor harvest: early October
Indoor yield: 500g per m2
Outdoor yield: >700g per plant
THC: High

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