Divine Seeds


gezüchtet von Divine Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Euphoria ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±64 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Divine Seeds' Euphoria ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Divine Seeds' Euphoria Beschreibung

Divine Seeds Euphoria Euphoria is a high quality hybrid descending from a unique batch of Skunk #1 whose massive productivity, psychedelic impact and superior taste made it one of a kind. Euphoria can definitely be advised as a first-time smoker’s #1 choice! For that purpose Divine Seeds breeders put a lot of science and calculation into stabilizing their own re-make. Fast to flower, Euphoria has a special happy mellow impact that gave this strain its name. A lot of progressive breeding was done to balance its cannabinoids into a perfect combination that causes the ultimate dopamine outburst. Simply said, Euphoria strain and human are meant to be happy together – in a scientific way!

In cultivation, these plants are nothing problematic if approached with some basic ideas about how to handle photoperiod marijuana. Euphoria maternal plants have been found resistant against molds and insect pests, seldom suffered from heat, watering had to be done sufficiently and measuredly. While vegetating, Euphoria plants responded well to any kind of training: LST, FIM, topping, ScroG and SoG, supercropping, etc. On the verge of blooming this cannabis mostly demonstrated an average stretch ratio (1.2 – 1.4x)… and that exact moment was when Euphoria’s flowery sweet smell (resembling lilac) would start to kick in. Further into flowering Euphoria plants sometimes needed supports to hold their massive colas. Ready for outdoor harvesting by mid October.

Euphoria tripping means a lot of giggling and should be enjoyed out of doors or in the company of closest friends. By the way, this weed is aphrodisiac – when you’re feeling euphoretic, it’s only logical to share your emotions with a close person 😉 Most appropriate for afternoon and night smoke, these intricate-smelling sticky buds can be immensely enjoyed as a wake-and-bake option, too. By the way, users’ mobility is nothing limited: dancing, walks with scenery or other activities alike can be a beautiful experience. Makes for creativity. Not quite analgesic, Euphoria can still be helpful against moderate pains as well as muscle spasms, nausea or appetite loss, irritability and depression. Kills off fatigue and defends chronic stress, also great for curing hangover. Some sportsmen use Euphoria to alleviate muscle aching after practise. The effects last for up to 2 hours with a noticeable lingering trace (about 1 hour).

Origin: Afghanistan/ Thai
Type: 60% Indica / 40% Sativa
Flowering: 64 days
THC: 23%
Harvest: 600-800 g/m2
Height: 140-180 cm

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Euphoria Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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