Annunaki Genetics
East Coast Sour Soda

East Coast Sour Soda

gezüchtet von Annunaki Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

East Coast Sour Soda ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen angebaut werden. Annunaki Genetics' East Coast Sour Soda ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Annunaki Genetics' East Coast Sour Soda Beschreibung

Annunaki Genetics East Coast Sour Soda ‘East Coast Sour Soda’- another seed variety from our ‘Soda Series’.

The AJ’s cut of East Coast Sour Diesel is a legendary name where elite cannabis cultivars are concerned. Throughout her history many relationships have been soured in the pursuit of her. This is a notoriously difficult plant to grow, yet many folks dream of growing this variety… someday. Well, we were fortunate enough to be gifted this cut by a friend. Even before she went to flower we knew we had the real deal. She outgrew everything in our veg garden and we had to keep topping her to keep her shorter, but sure enough her vigor persisted. We flowered her out a couple times and although she was not the most resinous plant we’ve seen in our time we fell in love with the overwhelmingly dank diesel aroma that will overwhelm a couple acres, let alone a room. The issue with AJ’s East Coast Sour Diesel, for us, is that she just grows too damn fast to fall into line in our perpetual garden along with the rest of our children. And to add to it, she could very well be the tallest plant we’ve ever grown, which also makes her somewhat ‘high-maintenance’, and so we figured the best way to ‘fix that’ so that we can grow her again and enjoy her a little more was to cross her to our Huckleberry Soda stud to bring down the size tremendously… hopefully without losing that distinct aroma that ECSD is so famous for. If you’re a fan of variety amongst phenotypes these seeds are for you. We expect aromas, resin, height, large yield, vigor, and color combos to have a wide range of possibilities, but the main focus in hunting these, for us, would be the aroma. These seeds have yet to be tested by Annunaki Genetics.

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

East Coast Sour Soda Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

East Coast Sour Soda Stammbaum-Karte

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