Kera Seeds
Dwarf Auto

Dwarf Auto

gezüchtet von Kera Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Dwarf Auto ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±60 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. Kera Seeds' Dwarf Auto ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Kera Seeds' Dwarf Auto Beschreibung

Kera Seeds Dwarf Auto Kera Dwarf AUTO is a small, compact autoflowering plant that was created by mixing two Indicas and a Ruderalis. It was given the name Kera Dwarf, because it originates from a real dwarf-sized plant, it only grew 50 centimetres tall.

Kera Dwarf is mainly very popular with first time growers, because not a lot can go wrong. The sweet and pleasant taste of Kera Dwarf AUTO, which you normally wouldn’t get from an Indica plant, makes this type unique.

Kera Dwarf AUTO is a small, compact autoflowering plant created by mixing two Indicas and a Ruderalis. Kera Dwarf AUTO is almost 100% Indica and vert popular with first time growers, because it’s so easy to grow. The plant owes its name to the fact that it stays very small, so a real dwarf.

Kera Dwarf AUTO is an easy going plant that can be grown pretty much anywhere. Of course this is thanks to its autoflowering genetics. A few weeks after being planted, it’ll bloom automatically. In about 8 to 9 weeks the Kera Dwarf AUTO is ready for harvest. It’s a real dwarf, because it only gets up to 50 - 90 centimetres tall. So this plant is very suitable for when you’ve got limited space. Even though the plant is small, you’ll still get a decent yield. Provide it with good growing and blooming conditions and it’ll reward you for it.

The Kera Dwarf AUTO’s scent is skunky and the taste is rich, sweet and pleasant. This is unique for a plant that’s Indica dominant! Its effects are strong and physically relaxing. It makes your body feel lazy and relaxed, but inside your head you’ll feel perked up and creative. Medically Kera Dwarf AUTO is used to fight insomnia, stress and pain.

Sweet, pleasant and rich flavour
Small plant

THC: 12%
CBD: Average
Yield when grown indoors: No
Yield when grown outdoors: 15 - 35 grams per dried plant
Height when grown indoors: No
Height when grown outdoors: 50 - 90 cm
Blooms: Autoflowering
Harvest: 8 - 9 weeks after sprouting
Genetic background: Indica X Ruderalis
Sativa - Indica: Ruderalis mix

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Dwarf Auto Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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