Dutch Passion
Durban Poison

Durban Poison (Dutch Passion) :: Sorten-Steckbrief :: Outdoor :: No.58916909401046001 by Mountzion

Steckbrief für Durban Poison (von Dutch Passion)

Dieser Steckbrief wurde am 18.04.2015 von angelegt und ist eine Einzelmeinung.

Informationen zum Wachstum der Pflanzen:

Das Wetter im Anbaugebiet:

Cannabis-Pflanzen können in diesem Gebiet ungefähr von April bis Oktober kultiviert werden. Die Pflanzen werden circa Juli mit der Blütephase beginnen, wenn die Tage langsam aber sicher kürzer werden.

Jan Feb Mar Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Temp. kalt kalt kalt warm warm warm warm warm warm warm kalt kalt
Nied. humid humid humid humid arid arid arid arid arid arid humid humid
Sonne 9.9 10.8 12 13.3 14.3 14.8 14.5 13.5 12.3 11 10 9.5
Phase x x x Wuchs Wuchs Wuchs Blüte Blüte Blüte Blüte x x
Erntezeit Outdoor
Anfang Oktober +/- 1 Woche in BlShβ Klimazonen auf der Nordhalbkugel.
Klimazonen nach der SeedFinder Klassifikation mit aktuellen Daten von 1986 bis 2009.

Ernte, Ertrag, Geschmack, Geruch, Stärke und Wirkungsweise

Der Ertrag dieser Sorte ist hoch.
Das Verhältnis von Blüten zu Blättern ist etwas überdurchschnittlich.
Die getrockneten Buds sind ziemlich hart und fest.
Stärke / Wirkungsdauer
Das Grass ist sehr stark und wirkt langanhaltend.
Toleranz beim Rauchen
extrem langsame Toleranzbildung.


Der Geschmack dieser Sorte ist/erinnert an


Durban Poison (Dutch Passion)

ist alles in allem absolut Irre und unbedingt Empfehlenswert
(Im Schnitt 10 Punkte auf einer Skala zwischen 0 und 10 !)

Weitere Informationen

Mountzion meint

Mediterranean climate. Germinated beginning of May, Placed in 100-300 gallons of soil (378-1130 liters) on South facing hill at 4300 feet elevation with full day sun except early morning. Grown organically.

Summer/veg climate: Temperature daytime : 65-95, nighttime: 50-70. Humidity RH =10%-35%.

Fall/flowering climate: Temperature daytime: 50-95, nighttime: 40-60, humidity RH=20%-60%.

High: Expresso like, clear and intense pure energy. Zero come down or lethargy, VERY clean high that feels like you didnt even smoke if you let it taper off over a couple hours.

Smell: All the plants had "similar" smells but slightly different. They were all mild, but in a "refined" way, similar to tea. All were sweet smelling, hints of licorice and lemon, earthy and exotic.

Taste: The taste is very strong and will be just as it smells (this is in a volcanco vaporizer)

Their were two main phenos: one perfect for outdoor, one perfect for indoor.

Outdoor pheno: grows like xmas tree, very good light and air penetration between plant. Strong stem that can handle the wind, though will need to be wrapped if you want to prevent the VERY long outstretched bottom branches that can break with high winds. In 100 gallon pot yielded ~3.5 pounds, 1.5 kg. The plant in a 300 gallon pot yield 7 pounds (3 kg).

Indoor pheno: shorter and more squat. In one of my 100 gallon pots the plant was only 5' tall, 4' wide and it yielded around 4 or 5 pounds, 2 kg. The plant in a 200 gallon yielded around 6 pounds, 2.7kg. This pheno is not built as sturdy or tough as the outdoor, but not weak by any means. Less "open" then outdoor pheno so light and air do not penetrate as well....but the colas were no joke thicker then my arms...and the high was just the same as the other, a pure clean expresso like sativa.

For a Sativa the buds are extremely dense, if you were to compare it to hybrids/indicas I would describe it was rather dense, the buds are well connected and formed and are not airy.

Also I harvest in intervals, allowing my middle and inner nugs to fill out, increasing overall yield.

The Medicinal cannabis dispensary I take my product too sent it to a lab and it came back as 19.7% THC. This was from a pack of "middle" or 2nd harvested nugs.
(18.04.2015 um 18:42 Uhr)