Khalifa Genetics
Desert Skunk

Desert Skunk

gezüchtet von Khalifa Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Desert Skunk ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±56 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Khalifa Genetics' Desert Skunk ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Khalifa Genetics' Desert Skunk Beschreibung

Khalifa Genetics Desert Skunk Desert Skunk, An Insanely Early-Maturing Sativa

The Desert Skunk can grow outdoors in some of the most inhospitable places on earth. This fast-flowering, early-maturing and mold-resistant strain is a dream come true for outdoor growers in cold climates.

Resulting of a cross between an old Skunk#1 from the Super Sativa Seed Club and a Moroccan Beldia, this True f1 is probably one of the fastest flowering Sativas in the world.

Not only does this strain start flowering early outdoors but it is also fast-flowering. In the northern hemisphere, the Desert Skunk often starts blooming in early July and finishes in early September. It is usually ripe before the cold autumn rains while sun exposure is still optimal.

Bred especially for guerrilla growing, this vigorous Moroccan Skunk will also give incredible results indoors were most plants are fully ripe in under 60 days. Although it stretches a lot, the Desert Skunk is very easy to grow and low maintenance.

A Sativa Diva

The Khalifa team has been able to combine drought resistance and extreme earliness of the Moroccan Beldia with the mold resistance and copious trichome density of the 1980s’ SSSC Skunk.

This 85% Sativa hybrid quickly produces long spear-shaped buds full of shiny trichomes. Being a beginner-friendly variety, this Moroccan Skunk is less sensitive to over feeding than most Sativas.

The Desert Skunk produces a fast-hitting and cheerful high very similar to the Moroccan Beldia’s though stronger. Users often report already feeling the effects after a few seconds. Consumption of this cannabis strain produces a wave of euphoria, often accompanied by a strong sense of focus. This is therefore an uplifting smoke that is mostly suited to daytime use.

Old School Moroccan Hash Aromas

The Desert Skunk reminds hash lovers of the particular aromas of the Beldia. Its sweet Moroccan hash smell and its notes of spices and honey are enticing. On top of that, the creamy and slightly fruity sweet Skunk reinforces the musk element of this old school scent.
The taste on the palate is spicy as well but is also accompanied by sweet notes of Skunk.

To conclude, the Desert Skunk is a must have for every guerrilla grower looking for the ultimate outdoor strain.

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Desert Skunk Galerie

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Desert Skunk Hybriden & Kreuzungen

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