Critical Blackberry

Critical Blackberry

gezüchtet von High10ed_031

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Infos vom Züchter

Critical Blackberry ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen, draussen und im Gewächshaus - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±80 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. High10ed_031s Critical Blackberry ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

High10ed_031s Critical Blackberry Beschreibung

Critical Blackberry F1 Regular.

A cross between Critical - Royal Queen Seeds and Blackberry - Fastbuds.


A very complete strain
There are always lots of requirements to fill when deciding which strain to grow: strength, yield, flavour, ease of growth, suitability to climate etc. There is one marijuana plant that tries to bring together all these features in a perfect balance in order to produce the ultimate cash crop: large yield, short flowering period, good smoke. Critical is a plant designed for the 'cash-crop' grower who wants the best of both worlds and is guaranteed to fulfil expectations.

Our Critical plant is an Indica dominant genetic which shows in its small size, staying below 1 metre tall. It has short internode spacing, which will eventually fill up with buds, making it the high-yielding specimen it is. Its small height also makes it suitable for those looking to grow in small spaces, for the more discreet growers.

Only 7 weeks of flowering
Grown indoors, it will average 65-75 grams per plant and can easily hit 600 grams per square metre under a 600W light. Grown outdoors, it prefers a warmer climate such as in Spain, Italy or California and, given the right conditions, will produce over 600 grams per plant. Due to its relatively short flowering time, it can be grown in more northern latitudes (UK, Netherlands); however, it will not reach its full potential as she would indoors.

No other plant from Royal Queen Seeds will yield as much in 7 weeks as Critical Feminized. This short flowering time makes it suitable for growers with a tight schedule. Commercial growers will be pleased with the results in sea/screen of green operations as it delivers large yields with very little maintenance.

Relaxing and stoned effect
The final key to a good commercial crop is a solid smoke; it wouldn't make sense to have such a high-yielding plant with no power in the puff. Therefore we are glad to say that Critical offers just as much in the stone as it does in the yield. It brings a nice stoned effect which mellows you down into a relaxed vibration.


Our Blackberry Auto took first place at the Oregon Autoflower cup and is a great choice for first growers and Indica fans. This strain boasts up to 23% THC and is made up of some of our finest genetics, making it a tall growing plant with a great harvest reaching up to 110cm in height.

Bud description.
Round plump berries, oozing with berriful resin. Like forest fruits dipped in sugar. Users will get great delight as these deep purple buds are crumbled up into the grinder.Smoke ReportAs a potent Indica, novices may find its effects very couch-locking, making you feel lazy and sleepy. Cannabis connoisseurs, on the other hand, will enjoy the relaxing fruity body high making it the perfect smoke for that peaceful evening moment of quiet.

Plant Appearance.
An Indica-like structure, with a very bushy growth. Tight internodal spacing and a swollen main cola developing in the center. Growers can expect a plant of up to 1.1m and rich purple hues covering the plant from leaf to bud. - fastbuds


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