Delicious Seeds
Cotton Candy Kush Early Version

Cotton Candy Kush Early Version

gezüchtet von Delicious Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Cotton Candy Kush Early Version ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±45 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Delicious Seeds' Cotton Candy Kush Early Version ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Delicious Seeds' Cotton Candy Kush Early Version Beschreibung

Delicious Seeds Cotton Candy Kush Early Version COTTON CANDY KUSH EARLY VERSION is one of our most perfect and ambitious hybrids. Tasty and sensory, this strain combines the sugary sweetness of CANDY and the softness of cotton candy. COTTON CANDY KUSH (DS19) maximizes the organoleptic properties of the best cannabis. Now in its early version, in addition to all these features, it offers you the opportunity to celebrate life by enjoying this hybrid Gourmet.

COTTON CANDY KUSH EV, is obtained as a result of crossing one of the South African genetics strains with the greatest potential for cultivation, the POWER PLANT, with one of our best mothers, LAVENDER (SUPER SKUNK - BIG SKUNK KOREAN - AFGHANI-HAWAIIAN) that later it has been crossed in the first generation with an exceptional individual of ruderalis genetics. The result is a perfect plant that produces large and long foxtail buds, which take on a metallic lavender hue on the leaves at the end of flowering, which lasts only 45 days. In short, a perfect plant with excellent performance both indoors and outdoors and in greenhouse, great resin producer and easy to grow that is highly resistant to fungi, pests and stress.

Due to its calyx-leaf relationship, it is an easy plant to manicure. This strain produces an aroma so intense and penetrating that it is intoxicating just to smell it; It is a variety very rich in THC over 23%, and with perfect organoleptic characteristics. Welcome to the ULTRA-FAST paradise of flavors and colors of COTTON CANDY KUSH EV.

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