Philosopher Seeds
Chiquita Banana Auto

Chiquita Banana Auto

gezüchtet von Philosopher Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Chiquita Banana Auto ist eine automatisch blühende indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±67 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. Philosopher Seeds' Chiquita Banana Auto ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Philosopher Seeds' Chiquita Banana Auto Beschreibung

Philosopher Seeds Chiquita Banana Auto Chiquita Banana achieved its fame due to its high THC content up to 34%. This cannabis variety was developed by the Californians Utopia Farms. It has obtained more than 30 awards from the most recognised cannabis events in US, such as the Emerald Cup, Chalice, Santa Cruz Cup and High Times Cannabis Cup (3rd place).

Now, Philosopher Seeds seedbank presents the automatic version of Chiquita Banana (Banana OG) available to the public. It is an hybridisation using its Banana Zkittlez Auto, so as not to distort the essence and maintaining its distinctive features to the maximum, sweet ripe banana aromas and a high THC content.
Chiquita Banana Auto, strong and compact Auto cannabis

Chiquita Banana Auto is an automatic cannabis plant very easy to cultivate. It develops strong and compact with a thick stem, focusing most of its production on the central cola. In the last flowering stage, the buds increase volume and density considerably at a faster rate than in the early stages. Chiquita Banana Auto, thanks to these characteristics, is a great option to optimise cultivation on terraces, balconies, and small spaces.

Chiquita Banana Auto presents a complete cycle of about 70-80 days once it shows its cotyledons. Once the seed has germinated, it is recommended to transplant it into its final pot and provide space for its roots. In a 10-15L capacity pot, this plant will offer its fullness.

It requires a 18/6 photoperiod during the entire indoor cultivation in order to maximise production. Outdoors it appreciates areas with more hours of direct sun, requiring a minimum of 5-6 hours to achieve satisfactory results. It does not need many nutrients, preferring fertilisers or organic amendments to achieve its high content of cannabinoids and terpenes.
Chiquita Banana Auto, productive cannabis with ripe banana aromas

Chiquita Banana develops a large central cola composed of large bracts and satellite buds on its secondary ramification. The flowers give off a particular sweet banana aroma. The buds are considerably tight and are very easy to manicure due to their not excessive number of leaves.

Chiquita Banana grows easily, offering a yield of up to 500g per m2 indoors. Outdoors delivers high yields for an auto-flowering plant, rewarding the gardener with harvest rich in quality and production.

Chiquita Banana Auto produces a sweet terpene that in most cases reminds us of ripe bananas. Certain vanilla or cinnamon nuances may also appear in the aroma in some specimens. All of them offer excellent quality resin rich in cannabinoids, especially THC. Certainly, a high amount for an auto-flowering variety.
Philosopher Seeds Chiquita Banana Auto info:

Genetics: Chiquita Banana x Banana Zkittlez Auto
Type: Auto-flowering cannabis seeds
Genotype: Indica/Sativa
Full cycle: 9-10 weeks
THC content: High
Indoor yield: High
Outdoor yield: High

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