Cherry Cordial

Cherry Cordial

gezüchtet von SubCool’s The Dank

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Infos vom Züchter

Cherry Cordial ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. SubCools Cherry Cordial ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

SubCools Cherry Cordial Beschreibung

SubCool’s The Dank Cherry Cordial Cherry Cordial is a 35/65 Sativa - Indica hybrid, a cross between Hell's OG and Space Queen. This variety combines one of the most aromatic and psychoactive OG Kush selections with Space Queen, one of Subcool's genetic signatures, a resinous line with a pronounced fruity aroma.

This OG Kush hybrid produces generous yields of dense and resin-coated flowers, releasing an original and intense acidic aroma.

Cultivating TGA Subcool Cherry Cordial
Cherry Cordial has inherited the OG Kush structure despite being Indica dominant. The plant develops to a medium to high size, producing long and thin branches. Subcool recommends using crop optimisation techniques such as SCROG, FIM pruning or supercropping among others to promote an abundant yield and control the final plant height. This variety produces a strong smell, therefore in order to cultivate in perfect conditions we highly recommended the use of an activated carbon filter or any other odour control system.

Once the plant is completely developed, Cherry Cordial will not take more than 56 to 63 days to flower. TGA Subcool specifies that we can observe two phenotypes in the Cherry Cordial seeds: the first one closest to the OG line - a plant with thin and flexible branches that produces round and compact flowers. The second phenotype has a more compact structure producing spear-like buds.

Cherry Cordial's smell and taste may show some variations from one phenotype to another, although it is mainly dominated by a fruity cherry, lime and cola aroma on an acidulous and musky background.

The effect is relaxing at body level, promoting creativity without causing stress. It may help to combat pain.

TGA Subcool Cherry Cordial info:
Type: Regular seeds
Genetics: Hells OG x Space Queen
35/65 Sativa – Indica
Flowering: 56 - 63 days
Yield: high
Suitable for indoor and outdoor cannabis cultivation
Best form of cultivation: responds very well to all crop optimization techniques and cultivation styles
Taste and smell: fruity, cherry, lime, cola
Effect: mental, relaxing, creative, adapted to combat pain

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