Cannatonic CBD

Cannatonic CBD

gezüchtet von Nirvana Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Cannatonic CBD ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±70 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Nirvanas Cannatonic CBD ist eine CBD-Sorte mit ungefähr gleichviel CBD und THC und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Nirvanas Cannatonic CBD Beschreibung

Nirvana Seeds Cannatonic CBD A CBD rich hybrid that has a low THC and high CBD level. A very unique strain that is well suited for medical patients, and smokers who want low levels of THC with compact, full flavours. Sweet, woody, citrus terpenes that are ready to harvest between 9-11 weeks. She is certainly worth the wait and will reward you with top quality medicine. Not the easiest strain to grow, meaning this girl is best suited for growers with experience.

Genetics: By crossing MK Ultra with G13 Haze, the result was a plant that has a CBD dominant cannabinoid profile. After testing in our lab, we discovered the flowers has a THC level ranging from 3-7% and CBD levels of 6-10%. G13 was once considered the strongest strain on Earth and the backstory story of it being taken from a Government facility, only adds to the mystery of its origin, however one thing is for sure, we have been successful in creating a medical hybrid that can be used for therapeutic reasons, or enjoyed socially.

Strain characteristics: She is a sativa dominant hybrid that brings together the best of two incredible strains. Due to her sativa influence, flowering times will be range from 9-11 weeks and during this time, plant training is advised to increase yields and reduce height. Better suited for growers who have experience with vigorous growing sativa strains.

Cannatonic CBD will produce yields of 325 - 425 g/m², where she will grow with sativa characteristics producing an abundance of pistils and flowering sites. Internodal space will be large, making her a great candidate for pruning prior to flowering in order to focus all of the energy to the top parts. She has a distinct earthy, musky, woody aroma with a mild lemon base.

Experiencing the strain: The effects of Cannatonic CBD are highly therapeutic, stress relieving and remedial. The cerebral effects are very mild and can be enjoyed by those who are new to smoking, or those with a low tolerance to high powered THC strains. Thanks to her high CBD count, this strain is highly recommended for medical patients who are in search of relief from aches, pains, nausea and feelings of sickness. People with epilepsy, insomnia, depression, loss of appetite and those undergoing chemotherapy.

What makes it so great?: This is the perfect strain for people who want low THC, big flavours, rich CBD counts and a strain that can enjoyed from day until night time. A boldly earthy flavour that has a pine and citrus twang that becomes more pronounced as buds cure.

Quote from a customer: “Top shelf, 100% germination. I have epilepsy so high cbd is very important to me and cannatonic delivers! Very nice buzz that's not spacy, high last 20-30 minutes then fades gently to a cbd body buzz that lasts four hours, great strain for active people who don't want to slow down. very large buds! About an ounce and a half per plant” - Richard C.

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