Anesia Seeds
Calypso Sunrocks

Calypso Sunrocks

gezüchtet von Anesia Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Calypso Sunrocks ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±67 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Anesia Seeds' Calypso Sunrocks ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Anesia Seeds' Calypso Sunrocks Beschreibung

Anesia Seeds Calypso Sunrocks With Calypso Sunrocks comes a new premium strain to the other legendary and unique strains of our seed bank. It was developed from a selected, extremely potent female Hawaiiana, and a male Airside OG, which has a particularly pronounced terpene and cannabinoid profile. Both parent plants were selected for aroma and potency in a long process to finally get the traits we wanted.

This strain is perfect for anyone who wants to relax for hours and still feel a potent Sativa high. You will feel a slow creep of effects wash over you, filling your brain with a sticky bliss that will instantly displace any negative or racing thoughts and replace them with a hazy bliss. A calming body high accompanies this intoxicating lift, leaving your body feeling relaxed for hours. The effect is balanced, very relaxing and complemented by inspiring mood-enhancing sativa effects. It makes you happy, euphoric and a pleasant noise in your body. She induces a fluffy soft high that inspires you and starts off floating lightly before unfolding its full potential.

Calypso Sunrocks buds are rock-hard, resin-soaked, and often have a bluish, dark tinge. The taste is the perfect blend of fresh pineapple and Granny Smith apples with a slightly woody and spicy exhale. She makes a tasty smooth smoke and combines a wide spectrum of different effects, always giving a good feeling and a happy mood.

Growing Calypso Sunrocks
This strain reaches a medium height and is also very suitable for indoor growing. Calypso Sunrocks is easy to care for and extremely resistant to mold and other harmful fungal diseases. Large yields (650g/m²) are achieved after a short flowering time of 9-10 weeks.
Outdoors she develops into a stately, medium-sized plant that grows quickly and produces large clusters of flowers on her sturdy branches. She especially likes a dry climate and needs sufficient light to develop her full potential.

Therapeutic effects
With these effects and its super high average THC content of +31%, Calypso Sunrocks is often chosen to treat chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, headaches or migraines, the symptoms of cancer and inflammation.

Genetics: 70% Sativa / 30% Indica
Airside OG x Hawaiiana
Yield: 650g/m² • 800-1400 g/plant
Flowering time: 9 to 10 weeks
Harvest Outdoors: begin of October
suitable for indoors and outdoors
Height: 130-160 cm • 200-270 cm
THC: +31%
Aromas / flavors: apple, tropical

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