Bean Boyz Genetics
Body Bag SFV OGK

Body Bag SFV OGK

gezüchtet von Bean Boyz Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Body Bag SFV OGK ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±56 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Bean Boyz Genetics' Body Bag SFV OGK ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Bean Boyz Genetics' Body Bag SFV OGK Beschreibung

Bean Boyz Genetics Body Bag SFV OGK This is a hybrid of three of the strongest strains Dead Head OG, Chem Valley Kush and Tahoe OG and female Chem Dawg G. The flowering time of Body Bag SFG OFG takes 7 to 9 weeks and with solid yields. Since this marijuana strain is of average height, it is ideal for both outdoor and indoor growing. This weed strain is easy to grow because it is a strong plant that can easily adapt to different environment conditions. Body Bag SFG OFG also responds well with any indoor growing method making it a favorite among first time growers. It has more sativa characteristics than indica and it has stoned effect which lasts for several hours. The buds of this ganja plant are nice and tight with strong THC level content that can give you a very good yield. Like its parents which are mostly from OG Kush strains, the pot plant has pronounced lemon scent.

Being emotionally attached to the Lads from DNA Genetics, I was upset when I first saw the ads for Cali Conn in HT magazine. "Dudes, aren't you boyz 'thee boyz from Cali?' Now these new upstarts are claiming to be the Cali hook up!" Aaron's come back was surprising, but reassuring. "Relax Batts, we very cool with Cali Conn, they'll be seen and offered everywhere you see DNA." Turns out these young Turks went to high school together in L.A., and run closely today.

That settled, I became interested in some of their gear. Three to be exact. This is the tale on how it went with this one.

The Mamma: O.G.Kush strain is my favorite smoke. It does the "Job" nicely, time after time, day after day, year after year LOL! I received my OGK cutting about 3 years ago. It is sick. If you KNOW, you KNOW! She came from a trusted mate in Oregon. I'm using her in many of my attempts to get to some really amazing fuely tastes. She's ready!

The Daddy: I call this "3-D" , , , and use the combination of 3 mind fuc'n pollens to achieve some really experimental dank. If I hear the door slam'n you might be leaving way too early! I admit this is the first time I've tried this way to pollinate, but what the fuck, isn't this supposed to be FUN and off the HOOK? It was and is worth a try to me.

Below is a brief overview offered by Swerve, himself, about the genetics he's created, copied from his site:

Chem Valley Kush: "This is a sick hybrid from 2 of the strongest strains on earth in my opinon.Together they are unstoppable have worked this version for over a year now I used an f3 male that was a stinky little bastard with strong pronounced lemon pledge stench like his mother SFV OG kush, the chem d clone only was glad to meet this new guy for sure.. This hybrid will love and work well with super cropping, LST, and any other training methods."

"TAHOE OG: It is a totally unique seed created by crossing the SFV ogk F3 and hit the TAHOE clone. Every seed that has been grown is pure Lemon kerosine skunk funk to the max. It is said to be one of the strongest hitting strongest tasting cannabis around. Flowering is between 70 days and watch out , yields will be solid. New in the market."

Deadhead OG: "This is the famed Original 91 chemdawg AKA the skunk VA cut. As it was the only verified cut chem gave out. His online screen name is Skunk VA. Hence the reference. The legend of legends. The creator of so many legendary strains like OG Kush, Sour Diesel and so forth. This cut was crossed to my SFV OGK F4 male. Think Lemon Funk skunk."

So you see what we deal'n with here is certainly some unique herb, which i decided to use all three for the daddies. I'm certain that what is grown will be exciting and KILLERZ DANK. How could it not be? Yes, not probably what you'd use in a breeding program (but could), but if we after some sick assed dank that blows your head off, then this jess might be that one that does jess that! If you look'n to go heavy-duty, then you go'n to need a Body Bag... right? :)

Male: Chem Valley Kush, Deadhead OG, Tahoe OG
Female: Chemdawg D
Height: average, to taller
Weight: can be very good
THC: Strong
Scent/taste: FUELY, LEMON... DANK
Bud Density: nice tight, decent eye
Flowering: 7-9 weeks, depending on Pheno
Sativa/Indica: 60/40 DOP (Depending On Pheno)

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

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