Old School Genetics
Blue Grape Fuel

Blue Grape Fuel

gezüchtet von Old School Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Blue Grape Fuel ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±68 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Old School Genetics' Blue Grape Fuel ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Old School Genetics' Blue Grape Fuel Beschreibung

Old School Genetics Blue Grape Fuel It is a female selected by Oldman Green from Animal Cookies x Headstash, crossed with one of the best clones kept in his genetic bank, a real 80's jewel. The parental male is a cross between the famous Northern Lights #5 x Blueberry 80's. Certainly a very unique hybrid offering a Sativa effect but with solid flowers loaded with resin.

Blue Grape Fuel: Animal Cookies x Headstash x NL#5 x Blueberry 80's
This variety provided for this exclusive collaboration by Karma Genetics, is a dominant Sativa variety Sour Diesel type. It brings petrol and fuel aromatic nuances typical of this US genetics line, with a clear and energetic effect that may turn out to be psychedelic. The North Lights #5 x Blueberry 80's male contributes to this cocktail with pungent tones and acidic grapes. The flowering stage is reduced as an Indica variety, but keeping intact the effect and power typical of the Sativa varieties.

Well-branched with highly resinous buds
This plant shows a fast and slender development, with branches capable of supporting the flowers' weight. It has a considerable stretching similar to some Sativa Haze varieties. Its height can be multiplied by 4 at the end of flowering. It yields flowers with an unparalleled aroma, and a high calyx/leaf ratio that facilitates bud manicuring.

Blue Grape Fuel, authentic fuel and grape flavour with an invigorating effect
Blue Grape Fuel has great organoleptic qualities, offering an authentic grape aroma reminiscent of the best quality red wine. Its flavour is intense, with a deep fuel aftertaste combined with grape notes. Certainly a delight for the palate thanks to its great bouquet.

It produces a stimulating effect, with a great mental clarity that allows it to be consumed throughout the day. It is ideal for walking in the mountains or enjoying the day at the beach with friends. It is a variety that invites any artistic activity, undoubtedly a first class effect.

Old School Genetics Blue Grape Fuel info:
Type: Regular cannabis seed
Genetics: (Animal Cookies x Headstash) x (NL#5 x Blueberry 80's)
60/40 Sativa Indica hybrid
Indoor flowering: 65-70 days
Outdoor harvest: Mid-October
Indoor yield: >500g per m2
Outdoor yield: 700g per plant
THC: High (up to 22%)

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