Delicious Seeds
Blue Ace Auto CBD

Blue Ace Auto CBD

gezüchtet von Delicious Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Blue Ace Auto CBD ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±63 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. Delicious Seeds' Blue Ace Auto CBD ist eine CBD-Sorte mit mehr CBD als THC und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Delicious Seeds' Blue Ace Auto CBD Beschreibung

Delicious Seeds Blue Ace Auto CBD Blue Ace Auto CBD: It’s been more than 4 years now that we started developing plants with high levels of cbd and after so much research and effort, this year we can reveal our first non-photo dependent high cbd strain. BLUE ACE CBD AUTO is a fifth-generation non-photo dependent plant that is the result of a cross between la diva and our carmen auto (we need to give special mention to the male carmen, the magnificent plant that enabled us to make cbd crosses and to which we shall be eternally grateful). We’ve worked through more than 5 generations to convert carmen into a non-photo dependent plant with a high cbd concentration and a very subtle and agreeable taste and smell. Like many high cbd strains, the taste is fruity with citrussy notes. The end result is a non-photo dependent plant with thc-cbd ratios of between 1.1 to 1.2. As it dries, the most volatile substances of blue ace give way to a taste between acid fruit and pepper with an aftertaste of hash.

With ratios of 1:1, 1:2, it is an ideal plant both for medicinal use and for those wanting to combine its use with the performance of tasks requiring concentration. Owing to its THC-CB ratio, the psychoactive effect is slight and very bearable from the start. Some users experience states of deep introspection. This strain has been proven to be perfect as a painkiller and for calming states of anxiety or nerves.

Sexo: Feminized
Lineage: Carmen Auto X Diva
Grow Metod: Indoor/outdoor
Flowering time Indoors: 55 days from seed to harvest
Flowering time outdoor: 55 days from seed to harvest
Yield: 400-500gr m2 indoor/50-100 gr/pl outdoor
Taste: Sweet citric fruit
Smell; High
Effect: Medicinal
Ratio Thc/Cbd: 1:2
Medicinal Value: Very High
Irrigation tolerance: High

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