Amnesia Mistery

Amnesia Mistery

gezüchtet von Positronics

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Infos vom Züchter

Amnesia Mistery ist eine sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±86 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Positronics' Amnesia Mistery ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Positronics' Amnesia Mistery Beschreibung

Positronics Amnesia Mistery Unforgettable experience in flavour and effect. Misterious genetics give her an enormous size and lots of flowers.

HIBRIDISATION: Discover the mistery. AMNESIA MISTERY is a step forward in the development of the newest sativa genetics. Our best selected AMNESIA clon was crossed with a misterious male coming from the greenest California valleys. As a result of that breeding you have an enormous size plant with one of the best buds never seen before. A delicious sativa for the experienced growers.

PHYSIOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION: Big enormous growing. Its strong structure allows the plant to develop more branches than the average, producing lots of flowers besides the typical big cola on top. Needs a lot of space to grow, and will be the biggest plant of the garden. In addition to this, is very resistant to the fungus attack.


AROMA: Before harvest it will smell like pine-tree woods, with menthol touches. Once the bud is dry will appear a spicy like aroma with tasty notes of coffee and licorice.

FLAVOR: Initial acid notes with a feeling of spice and wood. Degustamos notas iniciales de acidez con matices de ebanistería y sensación picante. In the retronasal phase we will strongly notice the strong incense background. Vibrant ending, great persistance with a nice citrics touch.

EFFECT: Amnesia Mistery is of a strong brainy effect, with a enlightning high that lead to an easy smile, taking us to the paradise of hedonism. A clear and inmediate high that will wake up our imagination brightly. Recommended for the artistic recreation. The choice of the ultimate growers.


INDOOR: It's advised to grow 12/12 photoperiod from seedling, due to its enormous growing. In tiny spaces a pruning will be necessary. Recommended for spaces with moist issues.
OUTDOOR: Will have to sow late due to its enormous size, if discretion needed. Pruning will be necessary. Will need space for a full development. Great for wet places like seashore or the mountains.

Fungus Resistance: very HIGH
THC: 21% / CBD: 0,3%
Harverst Time Outdoors: 15 - 20 october
Flowering Time Indoors: 82-90 days
Yield Outdoors: 800gr / plant
Yield Indoors: 400 -500 gr/m²

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Amnesia Mistery Auszeichnungen / Cups

Positronics' Amnesia Mistery ist eine preisgekrönte Sorte und hat den Platz 2 beim Spannabis Cannabis Champions Cup 2015 in der Kategorie Hydro gewonnen, eingereicht von Positronics Seeds!

Amnesia Mistery Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Amnesia Mistery Hybriden & Kreuzungen

Otra Dimension
Amnesia Mistery x Amnesia

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