Prana Seeds

Prana Seeds

Prana Seeds @ SeedFinders Züchter-Datenbank

Hier findest du alle Informationen über den Cannabis-Zücheter Prana Seeds. Wir haben Daten zu 9 Cannabis Sorten von Prana Seeds gesammelt. Klicke auf die Sorten um weitere Informationen, Bilder, Reviews, Vergleiche und Quellen zu finden - oder lies dir die Breeder Infos hier auf der Seite durch um mehr über Prana Seeds herauszufinden. Desweiteren ist es mit unseren dynamischen Karten auch möglich alle Prana Seeds Sorten zu visualisieren - inclusive all ihrer Eltern oder allen bekannten Hybriden!

9 Cannabis Sorten


Informationen zu diesem Breeder:

Prana Seeds are a UK based seed bank that uses only regular genetics and lineage that can be tracked from the 1980 to pre 2000 area. They have over 25 years experience in the breeding game and this carries across to the quality of their genetics! Prana Seeds say their main aim is to provide strains with great quality, quantity, potency and flavour. Their first strain was an extremely vigorous 'Indian skunk' from Sam The Skunkman mother back crossed with a super stable 'The Pure' from Flying Dutchmen. Prana Seeds is working hard to bring the flavours and strength back from the 90's when the dutch and old school growers and smokers knew it as the real deal! Here at Seed City we are excited about being able to offer the Prana range to our customers!