Seeds of Africa


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Infos vom Züchter

Zimbabwe ist eine sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±91 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Seeds of Africas Zimbabwe ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Seeds of Africas Zimbabwe Beschreibung

Seeds of Africa Zimbabwe This strain is collected from the South African border on foothills around the fast flowing rivers near Victoria falls. The falls themselves were described as "Mosi-oa-Tunya" by the Kololo tribe living in the area in the 1800's which translated means "The smoke that thunders". It may be possible that this name was also inspired by these extremely powerful plants that grew nearby. The climate of the area is tropical but moderated by altitude and the area can get cold in the evening and morning a lot of the time, meaning this strain can cope well with most conditions. Animals in this region of Africa include sizeable populations of elephant, buffalo, giraffe, zebra and antelope. The river above the falls contains large populations of hippopotamus and crocodiles, Lion and leopard are also occasionally seen but Vervet monkeys, Baboons, birds and insects make up the main wildlife found near to where this strain grows. Tribes include the Shona people who are traditionally agricultural and known for their music and stone sculpture. These people have lived in this region of the Southern African plateau for around 2000 years and, although made up of various different clans, the elders we know to tell us that this plant has been here since they settled.

The stories handed down regarding the traits of this particular strain have not changed through generations of Shona people. Plants are medium-tall in height and present a high yield of slender, puffy, light green buds with fluffy white hairs. It has a strange, musky, hazy, earthy smell and the taste is almost kush- a very strange mix indeed making it a one-of-a-kind on the palette. The high is a potent and positive experience, causing a rush of endorphins, leaving you very giggly with an amazing sense of well-being. Local people tie and hang the bud from strings in huts, as most African tribes do and the elders consume in tea whilst the younger generations prefer to smoke in pipes.

Flowering time: up to 13 weeks

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Zimbabwe Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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