Wally Duck's Ducksfoot

Wally Duck's Ducksfoot

eine unbekannte / legendäre Sorte

Hier findest du alle Infos zu die unbekannte (oder legendäre) Cannabissorte Wally Duck's Ducksfoot. Wenn du nach Infos zu die unbekannte (oder legendäre) Wally Duck's Ducksfoot suchst, hier findest du die Grundinformationen, Galerie oder Abstammung / Genealogie zu dieser Cannabissorte - und viele weitere Infos wenn du den Links folgst. Wenn du selber persönliche Erfahrungen mit dem Anbau oder Konsum dieser Cannabissorte hast - bitte benutze doch unsere Upload Möglichkeiten um Sie auch Anderen zugänglich zu machen!

Grundlegende Informationen

Wally Duck's Ducksfoot ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von unbekannter Herkunft und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±66 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. .

Was wissen wir über unbekannte / legendäre Cannabissorte Wally Duck's Ducksfoot?

Unknown or Legendary Wally Duck's Ducksfoot Wally Duck was the first who brought the Ducksfoot to the market.

Origins: Ducksfoot x sativa
Flowering: 60-72 days
Harvest: late October

Ducksfoot is named for its unique leaves, which have webbing between the leaflets, evoking the feet of waterfowl, rather than the fingerlike morphology of the elaves that has become one of the most recognizable icons to identify pot.

In Australia, Ducksfoot is an outdoor variety only. This strain seems more at home in warmer climates that don’t suffer frosts too early. Several outdoor grows in temperate regions of the Northern hemisphere showed good growth but the quantity and the quality of the buds were poor when compared with its native climate of Australia.

Ducksfoot is a large growing plant that likes to get its feet in the soil and spread its roots to support branching. Wally Duck grows this strain in a natural sea of green, for both stealth purposes and increasing yield. it is a very heavy feeder and will take all the fertilizer you care to give it – nearly double the amounts most plants prefer.

As the plants mature, the odd leaves spread out, some reaching the size of dinner plates. Wally prunes to 4-6 main branches, bending them to create a predominantly horizontal profile, with as little vertical growth as possible. Without pruning, Ducksfoot shows extensive branching patterns. Many plants display attractive pink pistils as they ripen. In favorable climates, outdoor yields are rich – 200 grams and up per plant.

Duckfoot’s odor is noticeable at several meters’ distance from the plant. Although it is a complex smell not immediately identifiable as “pot”, it can still sabotage attempts at stealth. The extreme aroma carries over into the taste: a strong spicy coffee taste that lingers pleasantly on the tongue after exhaling, sometimes with a cinnamon aftertaste. The buzz is a smile-inducing euphoria that doesn’t sacrifice coherency, making it a great daytime toke for socializing or working in the garden.

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