Sweet Tooth

Sweet Tooth

gezüchtet von Goldenseed

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Infos vom Züchter

Sweet Tooth ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±58 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) angebaut werden. Goldenseeds Sweet Tooth ist THC dominant und ist/war auch als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Goldenseeds Sweet Tooth Beschreibung

Goldenseed Sweet Tooth Goldenseeds Sweet Tooth is just one of those super fast growing, ultra vigorous, amazing strains.
This plant loves water and Magnesium! It absolutely goes nuts in a hydro set-up, growing big thick strong stalks and is almost tree-like, very big strong fan leaves with big ultra fat indica webs and veins, but strangely stays very flexible despite its strength if pulled down by the weight of it`s massive cola structures and trains well on the outer branches. Could do a huge plant in a little cabinet and nobody would know! Makes the whole room smell like baby aspirins or something. The appearance is ridiculous, this strain is the most crytally, totally caked in glands and the smell is really really sweet and ultra citrus/fruity, like smuckers jam.

The smoke is thick and white if you flush them right, and the taste is sublime godly poopy hash. It is very mold and mature outdoors around the beginning to second week of September in the USA, beating the frost basically everywhere. If you want something that is very strong genetically, and shows sex under constant light at like 3 weeks from seed so you can pull the males early and concentrate on the ladies, then this Sweet Tooth from Goldenseed is the strain for you.

Effect: Rather cheeky, smooth high
Potency: 7 out of 10
Yield: 3/4 ounces
Stature: Christmas tree
Phenotype: Mixed, primarily Indica
Indoor: 55 to 60 days
Odor: Fruity, tasty and a sweet


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Sweet Tooth Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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