Seeds of Africa
Pondo Mystic

Pondo Mystic

gezüchtet von Seeds of Africa

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Infos vom Züchter

Pondo Mystic ist eine sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±98 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Seeds of Africas Pondo Mystic ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Seeds of Africas Pondo Mystic Beschreibung

Seeds of Africa Pondo Mystic This very special Sativa grows at high altitude, in a mountain located in the North-Eastern Cape. It grows within ancient subtropical evergreen forests that nestle on the edges of towering cliffs and within humid mountainous valleys.

With beautiful secluded lagoons and views of spectacular coastline not far away this is a very serene and tranquil location. This hot, sticky climate is home to many insects, brightly coloured butterfly’s and birds, monkeys and wild pig. It is also said that the Pondo Kingdom is protected by a blanket of spirits of whose presence is so strong that people visiting the area often describe a common, unnerving feeling, known locally as “Pondo fever”.

It is said that spirits will either call to you or reject you immediately. The local tribe is the Pondo tribe and its members known for maintaining unity and building strong connections with their fellow brothers. They believe in sentimental qualities like oneness in diversity, togetherness, love and commitment. This could stem from the consumption of this ancient strain as it does induce a state of peace, tranquillity and compassion when consumed, mirroring its idyllic surroundings. The plant grows tall and is typically Sativa in appearance. A unique trait is that the heavy buds seem to glow with a mysterious light green colour during flowering and

It emits a very focused and clear high- imparting a great sense of respect for all living things. It’s very much a daytime smoke with very little heaviness or drowsiness and smells like fresh zingy citrus, more like sour lime than lemon. It has a sharp, spicy zing on the flavour too combined with an earthy undertone and is dried in huts: hung up to cure in the dark like many other tribes do. Locals infuse the herb with liquids to make teas and even eat the plant raw when being used as a medicine. It is also smoked as part of everyday life in long beaded pipes or wooden chillum-style pipes.

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Pondo Mystic Galerie

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Pondo Mystic Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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