Green Poison Automatic

Green Poison Automatic

gezüchtet von Zambeza

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Infos vom Züchter

Green Poison Automatic ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±60 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. Zambezas Green Poison Automatic ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Zambezas Green Poison Automatic Beschreibung

Zambeza Green Poison Automatic Green Poison Automatic by Zambeza Seeds is a crossing of the best indica and sativa genetics at Zambeza Seeds. It produces a weed with a nice relaxing high, that you long for after a hard day at work. This stable hybrid is dominated by indica genes, that make it a rapidly flowering and growing plant with more than satisfying results: good amounts of top quality marijuana.

Since it's mostly indica, it is suitable for growing both indoors and outdoors. It grows up to a beautiful long and flexible lady of about 60-100cm height with an impressive main top bud. The dark green leaves often turn to a nice purple as the plant ages and make an awesome background for the thick buds with their glistening white crystals and resin. The THC level of Green Poison is between 15 and 20%. As the plant reaches maturity and flowers, it emits a beguilingly sweet, fruity and intense aroma.

Because of it's fast growth, it's highly resistent to most fungal infections, including the terrible plague of grey mold and flourishes nicely even in wet climate zones. Green Poison is ready for harvesting by the middle of september (outdoors) and produces about 500-650gr per m2 indoors and a whopping 700gr outdoors.

This variety is what we call "very close to perfect"; it's weed is strong, has a yummy taste and delicious aroma, it is easy to grow, flowers early and produces remarkable amounts of resin. The aroma is very distinctive and different from other strains; it is strong, sweet and somehow fruity. The taste is also strong and lingers on the tongue for a long time. It smokes very pleasing and causes little to no choking effects. The weed of Green Poison can be stored for a long time without loss of strength and aroma.

Yield: Large
THC: Average
Height: 60-100 cm
Genetics: Big Devil 2 x Green Poison
Flowering time: 8-9 weeks
Effect: Stoned
CBD: Average

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