Dark Horse Genetics
Gamma Berry

Gamma Berry

gezüchtet von Dark Horse Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Gamma Berry ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±67 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Dark Horse Genetics' Gamma Berry ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Dark Horse Genetics' Gamma Berry Beschreibung

Dark Horse Genetics Gamma Berry The phenomenal Bruce Banner, a strain that is so powerful that she had been awarded the “World’s Strongest Strain” by High Times Magazine produces three spectacular phenotypes, with pheno #3 and pheno #5 the most famous ones. Phenotype #5 is only slightly less potent than her #3 phenotype relative, and in her case, mind you, “less potent” means that she can measure up to a 28% of THC, which is only a couple points less than Bruce Banner #3.
The #5 pheno that Dark Horse Genetics used for making Gamma Berry is “lighter” (sure an odd expression when we’re talking about a strain that can easily measure beyond 25% of THC) but comes with the benefit that she is the more Strawberry Diesel-dominant type of the Bruce Banners. Combined with the Strawberry Diesel, well you can see where this is going, let’s just say that smoking her is an incredible experience now just talking her flavour and aroma alone. This is sheer strawberry heaven and a pure delight that your taste buds will love!
Growing Gamma Berry doesn’t require rocket science. When you grow the females of this regular strain she keeps things still reasonable with her flowering time of 63-70 days. Like Dark Horse Genetics’ other strains that are based on the fabulous BB genetics, her yields are above average compared to other strains which means there isn’t anything to complain here either - so better bring an extra bag at harvest time!
Banner #5 is already an outstanding Diesel and so is Strawberry Diesel, and this clearly shows when it comes to the taste of Gamma Berry which is awesome strawberry fruitiness with some nicely complementing Diesel notes mixed in. With a THC content that is upwards of 20% and that can reach 28%, she makes for a powerful, fast-hitting, very uplifting and cerebral high. This is a wonderful daytime smoke that can boost creativity and motivation while she relaxes you and gets rid of stress all at the same time. Medicinal users who find that strains rich in THC can help them will have plenty superb medicine when they grow Gamma Berry. She can be a good herb to help with chronic pains and helps you if you want to boost your appetite.
Gamma Berry is sheer potency together with a mouth-watering taste which makes her a great strain to grow for medicinal and recreational users alike

Parents: Bruce Banner 5 x Strawberry Diesel
Flowering Time: 63-70 days
THC: 20%-28%

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Gamma Berry Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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