Kera Seeds
California Nugget

California Nugget

gezüchtet von Kera Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

California Nugget ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±63 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Kera Seeds' California Nugget ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Kera Seeds' California Nugget Beschreibung

Kera Seeds California Nugget The refreshing California Nugget is a mix between the well-known fertile White Widow and Sour Diesel, which is known for its Diesel-like scent and beautiful buds, which are covered in resin.

California Nugget is a favourite amongst smokers as well as growers. It is particularly popular because of its unique characteristics that will get you in an incredibly good mood.

The elevating California Nugget is composed of 65% Sativa and 35% Indica. It’s a mix between the well-known White Widow and Sour Diesel. The Sour Diesel is responsible for the recognizable petrol-like scent and thanks to the White Widow it’s easy to grow and you’re guaranteed a great yield.

Thanks to its White Widow component, the California Nugget is a plant that’s easy to grow and has a high yield. The blooming period is about 8 weeks and it can be grown both outdoors and indoors, but when grown outside it does need a warmer climate to get the best results. It’ll be ready for harvest in October. Its buds will look like they’re covered in resin and shimmer beautifully.

Thanks to the Sour Diesel it has an intriguing petrol-like and chemical scent that causes a very surprising and unique effect that you won’t really get from any other cannabis plant. The flavour is herb-like and sour. The effects will be noticeable immediately and as soon as you’ve had your first drag you’ll feel your body relax. Your body will become lazy and nicely relaxed, but your mind will get jolly, energetic and creative. California Nugget makes you think in a tranquil and active way at the same time.

Petrol-like scent
Remarkable effect: tranquil and active

THC: 19%
CBD: Average
Yield when grown indoors: 475 - 525 grams per m2
Yield when grown outdoors :550 - 600 grams per dried plant
Height when grown indoors: 90 - 160 cm
Height when grown outdoors: 150 - 200 cm
Blooms: About 9 weeks
Harvest: October
Genetic background: Sour Diesel X White Widow
Sativa - Indica: 65% Sativa 35% Indica

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California Nugget Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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