Bubble Gum

Bubble Gum

gezüchtet von PEV Seeds Bank

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Infos vom Züchter

Bubble Gum ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±56 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. PevGrows Bubble Gum ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

PevGrows Bubble Gum Beschreibung

PEV Seeds Bank Bubble Gum Discover in your trustable GrowShop the new cannabis seeds Bubble Gum Feminized, a new feminized marijuana genetic that stands out above all for the euphoria sensation and high potency that it causes in the body.

Bubble Gum Feminizada by PEV Bank Seeds belongs to the European Old School line of this Spanish bank, providing with stabilized cannabis seeds, all produced with 21st century technology becoming plants with the essence of the 20th century.
PEV Bank Seeds is able to create a tastier and more productive Bubble Gum thanks to years of selection of a strain original from the United States, which later moved to Spain to impregnate it with a more Mediterranean character.

Be ready to harvest dense hard, clumped buds all covered in resin!

This is a cultivar that has a very short flowering period because in just 8 weeks you will get medium sized plants, stylized and little branched, but will reward us with hard and solid buds, covered by brighting trichomes that will be feast for the eye.

This Bubble Gum Feminized is easy to grow, both indoors and outdoors, and even in greenhouse crops.

Because of what we have experimented with it, with an outdoor crop and using 25-litre pots, it is a guaranteed success, harvesting in mid-October.

It has an average yield of over 500 grams per plant in outdoor, in latitudes belonging to Mediterranean climates.
Your senses will be very well satisfied with Bubble Gum Feminized, as it gives us an intense aroma and flavor of sweet gum and caramel, being a real pleasure for the palates more sweet tooth, evoking memories of childhood.

It is a very good cannabis to use on days when mood and apathy take hold of the body, as its enormous and tremendous feeling of euphoria and potency will bring light to your life.
Enjoy this herb and tell me about it...
Have a nice smoke!
More info

Seeds Bank: PEV Bank Seeds
Type: Feminized.
Genetics: Bubble Gum ( from selected and preserved of original Serious seeds 1999 clones)
Phenotype: 75% sativa / 25% indica
Flowering period: 8 weeks
Flowering indoor: Northern Hemisphere: Mid-October
Flowering outdoor: Southern Hemisphere: Mid-April
Indoor production: 350-450 gr/m2
Outdoor production: 500-650 gr/plant
Height: up to 1,5m.
THC: 18-23%
CBD: 0.1-0.3%

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Bubble Gum Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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