Roor Seeds
Bubba OG

Bubba OG

gezüchtet von Roor Seeds Amsterdam

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Infos vom Züchter

Bubba OG (Alias: i2 - ROOR Bubba OG) ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Roor Seeds' Bubba OG ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Roor Seeds' Bubba OG Beschreibung

Roor Seeds Amsterdam Bubba OG The i2 is a combination of two powerhouses in the modern era of breeding, the OG Kush and the pre-98 Bubba Kush. These two strains are legendary in their own right, when combined they have shattered universes producing one of the finest new strains to emerge in recent times. The i2 combines the best traits from both parents and is close to being an almost pure Indica, with the yield of the Bubba and the taste of the OG.

As for yield the combination with the Bubba has increased the yield so you should expect plants between 300-400 grams. As for growing it can be a slow starter, requiring up to two weeks to veg from a clone. However once it gets going it produces dense thick branches that bush out. Pruning is therefore a necessity in order to get proper light penetration to the lower buds. It doesn’t stretch very much so it’s a great plant for smaller rooms with low ceilings. It is also a fast plant and really packs on the leaves, growing like a thick bush. She is an eater and can handle a pretty full nutrient cycle but make sure to flush her well in the last week to ten days in order to really get the flavor going. Her ripening cycle runs from 56 to 63 days (8-9 weeks).

Regarding flavor and smell this one has it all. The smell of the OG has been preserved in the i2 but through the cross it has more of an earthy undertone that really enhances the fruity flavor. In the taste department the i2 is one of the few strains that really makes you smack your lips. This is one strain you don’t want to pass. In fact it’s one of the strongest strains out there. Independently the OG and the Bubba have tested more than 19% THC. It is the perfect strain for insomnia and pain relief working like an analgesic, numbing the whole body. If you want more of a high, pick it earlier in the ripening cycle and it will produce more of a high effect. The i2 is absolutely one of the most rewarding strains out there.

Parents: OG Kush X Bubba Kush
Flowering: 8-9 weeks
Yield: medium - big
Statue: short and stocky

The i2 is absolutely one of the most rewarding strains out there.

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Bubba OG Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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