Spliff Seeds
Blue Berry

Blue Berry (Spliff Seeds) :: Sorten-Steckbrief :: Indoor

Steckbrief für Blue Berry (von Spliff Seeds)

Dieser Steckbrief wurde aus 5 Einzel-Profilen generiert, unser Dank geht im einzelnen an: DelicateSounds, TheKweker, Paterdewiet, Deathcounter und Ronson

Informationen zum Wachstum der Pflanzen:

Blütezeit Indoor
Zwischen 56 und 78 Tagen (im Schnitt 61 Tage)
Stretch nach Einleitung der Blüte
±217 Prozent
Einleitung der Blüte im Schnitt bei 23 cm. - Endhöhe im Schnitt bei 73 cm.
extrem viele; lang sowie stark und kräftig.
Die Pflanzen dieser Sorte...
...benötigen nicht viel Dünger.
...sind eine gute Wahl für den kommerziellen Anbau.
...bilden viele, dicke Buds an den Seitentrieben.
...reagieren gut auf das Beschneiden des Haupttriebes.
...benötigen viel Pflege. (!!!)
...mögen keine niedrigen Temperaturen.
...haben keine Probleme mit hohen Temperaturen.
...wachsen eher wie eine Indica.
...können eng zusammen gestellt werden.
...sind anfällig für Schimmel.
...sind gut geeignet für einen ScroG (Screen of Green).
...sollten in der Blüte gestützt werden (Netze, JoJos, Stöcke).
...sind nicht tolerant bei Über- oder Unterdüngung.
...sind gut geeignet für sehr niedrige Grow-Räume.

Ernte, Ertrag, Geschmack, Geruch, Stärke und Wirkungsweise

Der Ertrag dieser Sorte ist sehr hoch.
Das Verhältnis von Blüten zu Blättern ist nicht zu beanstanden.
Die getrockneten Buds sind hart und fest.
Stärke / Wirkungsdauer
Das Grass ist sehr stark und wirkt langanhaltend.
Toleranz beim Rauchen
sehr langsame Toleranzbildung.


Der Geschmack dieser Sorte ist/erinnert an


Blue Berry (Spliff Seeds)

ist alles in allem extrem gut und wirklich empfehlenswert
(Im Schnitt 9 Punkte auf einer Skala zwischen 0 und 10 !)

Weitere Informationen

DelicateSounds meint

Very nice plant and rather easy to grow as they don't need too much nutrients: On coco an EC-value of 1.2 during growth, increase to 1.4 on switch and 1.7 during PK 13/14 week did the trick. Any higher values would've led to nute-burn.

I cultivated 3 plants from seeds with a growing period of three weeks, which gave me 264 grams of very nice compact buds. I had to harvest a bit early because of a upcoming heatwave so it could've been a tad bit more I guess though I'm still very happy with the result.

The taste, a bit like Fruitella cassis (dutchies will know what I'm talking about), and smell are great (carbon filter wasn't sufficient to neutralize the smell during last 3 weeks).

As for medicinal value: I use it to treat my insomnia and it works great; I get 8 hours of straight sleep from smoking about 1.5 grams pure during the evening. Only downside is waking up a bit foggy but after a nice cup of coffee that's all gone.


Sean (01.08.2019 um 23:30 Uhr)

TheKweker meint

Not easy to grow, need some experience to grow this flower

Short indica with compact buds, very stable.

Grows fast in the vegetation stage because of this flowering stage is shorter.

Plant has healthy and strong appearance, big yield

Taste is fruity and very sweet. The stoned last long. (17.10.2012 um 22:35 Uhr)

Paterdewiet meint

I really enjoyed growing this strain, very easy to grow plant

I’ll let it grow for over four weeks and I made it screen of green of it

This train is very good for a screen of green.

.. i have a tent of 0,66m2 and harvested 220 gram of dried bud..

The smell and taste is so nice, its much better then most of the weed in de Coffeeshops here in the Netherlands

The Blue Berry taste is really amazing and its one of my favorite weed...

Im gonna grow this strain again!! (24.10.2018 um 18:45 Uhr)

Ronson meint

Although i am a novice grower, i didnt have to much difficulties with this straign from Spliff Seeds.

All of the 5 seeds geminated in 48 hours with no problems at all. Once planted, all the seeds where above gound in 48-72 hours. Mine where very close together. This straign has quit a vigorous growing stage, making internode after internode. A very bushy straign like a good indica straign should be. And it is good straign for super cropping or scrogging. I grew this straign indoor. Indoor this straign didnt exceed the 80 cm in height. During flowering stage this straign will make big buds. I’m quit pleased with this straign, during the foweringstage my PH measuring device slowly died on me. Result a PH disturbance in my soil. Still i got a big yield at the end. So although this might be a more difficult straign to grow. I found it a quit forgiving and sturdy straign.I yielded my plants after 61 days floweringstage. Taste fruity and sweet, a serious stoner. Very very tasty. (17.09.2013 um 11:50 Uhr)

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Einzelne Steckbriefe zu dieser Sorte wurden verfasst von: DelicateSounds, TheKweker, Paterdewiet, Deathcounter und Ronson.

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