Critical Mass Collective
Auto Sour Melon Mass

Auto Sour Melon Mass

gezüchtet von Critical Mass Collective

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Infos vom Züchter

Auto Sour Melon Mass ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±75 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. Critical Mass Collectives Auto Sour Melon Mass ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Critical Mass Collectives Auto Sour Melon Mass Beschreibung

A very large Autoflowering hybrid bringing together our beloved Monster Mass, an exotic and powerfully sour Sensi Star and our own CMC Big Bud Auto...all superior yielders and a genetic force to be reckoned with. Commonly a dense central cola will thunder skyward flanked by many branches exhibiting large clusters of dense, cantaloupe green flowers within short inter-nodal distances. All buds smell of subtle sweet citrus and musky melon and are always thick with shimmering trichomes. Although the FIM method is not advised for Automatic strains, gentle crimping will have a positive effect if administered correctly, subtly twisting the plants branches to promote advancements in carrying nutrients and water to its budding sites. Two weeks into flowering is a great time to train them to promote even bigger yields but this can take some getting tight with Autos. Flowers are always the perfect density and it can pull in excess of 180g per plant when treated well. With an average height between 60cm and 120cm from around 70-80 days post germination, it will finish fat and swollen, laden with tangy and exotic fruit that produce a classic deep and Skunky meditative state.

Outdoor yield: Approx 100-180/per plant
Indoor yield: Approx 670g/m2
Seed to flower: Approx 70-80 days
Height: Approx 0.60m-1.3m
THC: 20%

SMELL: The smell is of subtle sour citrus and smooth vanilla mixed with sweet musky melon. The skunk profile from the Monster Mass balances it with a deep earthy edge...exceptionally beautiful smelling bud.

TASTE: Musky Vanilla, haze and sweet melon candy with an intensely sour lemon bite on the exhale stemming from the Sensi star with a Skunk layer from the Monster Mass. As with the smell, the taste of this plant is simply divine and a connoisseurs dream.

EFFECT: A deep skunk stone that one could expect from Temple ball or other soft, dark Afghani hashish lifted cerebrally by the slight Sativa lineage. Expect flushed cheeks and a real heady, ceiling high that is intense but manageable, with no paranoia, or uncomfortableness.

BAG APPEAL: This strain looks as good as it smells and tastes...perfect density buds that are jade, lime and cantaloupe green in colour with flecks of gold and orange. Always frosted out in crystals.

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Auto Sour Melon Mass Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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