Mudro Seeds
Auto Moxie

Auto Moxie

gezüchtet von Mudro Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Auto Moxie ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±70 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. Mudro Seeds' Auto Moxie ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Mudro Seeds' Auto Moxie Beschreibung

Mudro Seeds Auto Moxie In our life, various miracles happen and a journey into the thicket of Muxi may well be one of the fantastic essays of the diary of our life.

Imagine that you were in thick thickets of tall grass ...

Nooo ... This is not the "grass" because of which you could be there! These jungles are quite out of the ordinary grass that grows on your lawn in front of the house. The height of this miracle grass is more than about 10 m, and you just go in it, lightly touching the tips of your hands with these slowly swinging "grass" of gigantic proportions.

You seem to be on the bottom of the pond - the air is thick as water but it does not make breathing difficult, and around you the ocean of seaweed is rocked by the water surface. You see the light, you go to it, it breaks through the outlines of Muxi ... You are an astronaut on the planet "Murssi" ...

The auto Moxie project was created to extract oxygen from carbon dioxide once the lifeless surface of the planet Mursi. The plant colonies were populated according to all instructions and scientific prescriptions, but something went wrong and the growth of the grass cover became uncontrollable.

After that, strange signals began to arrive from the once lifeless planet, which were not observed before the experiment. You will have an exciting and unforgettable study on the surface of the revived distant planet, the relief of which is now covered by an endless lawn in the vastness of which you are no more than an ant ...

Auto Moxie fem - a marvelous hybrid of a yidik with a sativa, heavily involved in Landrace * Diesel Ryder - your ticket to a scientific expedition ship. It does not matter whether you are a botanist or a cybernetic engineer, programmer or psychologist, for you Moxie is a pass-scratch card that opens the doors to the bay of the orbital station capsule that brought you to the green planet.

Ocean Moxie awaits your study in any capacity. He calls you with his vast expanses and beckons with endless monumental grandeur for 10 weeks of research. Gifts Muxi fem reach 40 - 70 gr. / Plant.

Landing on the surface of the ocean Moxie is guaranteed to be soft, it is thanks to the average index of the TNS and produces a relaxing effect from the excessive concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere of the mysterious planet.

The "gifts" of the Moxie Fem cannabis seeds are modest, but this is only at first glance. After all, an astronaut researcher, like you, went not for the "gifts" of the mysterious green ocean. He went to learn the secret of this ocean, to discover the cause of the unprecedented mutations and to find the source of the mysterious signal, and maybe to meet something completely new and unknown, to become the first to disclose the secret once lifeless, and now - the fragrant greenery of the planet.

And who knows who and who will study in the vastness of this ocean, who will find whom and whom it will look like ...

Type: Sativa / Indika
Genetics: Ruderalis Indica * Diesel Ryder
Application: Indoor / Outdoor
Height: sards, short.
THC: medium
From seed to harvest: 10 weeks
Productivity: 40-70 gr / plant

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Auto Moxie Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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