John Sinclair Seeds


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Infos vom Züchter

Amsterdam (Alias: John Sinclair's Skunk) ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. John Sinclair Seeds' Amsterdam ist THC dominant und ist/war auch als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

John Sinclair Seeds' Amsterdam Beschreibung

John Sinclair Seeds Amsterdam Skunk is the original hybrid - the first ever stable crossing of an Indica and a Sativa. Today skunk is often used to refer to any powerful marijuana, but only the original skunk can live up to its reputation: very smelly, and very, very strong. John Sinclair has been a long lover of potent ganja, and this is his own tribute to the widely loved Skunk: a fast growing, high yielding plant with exceptionally strong effects.

Named after the smelliest inhabitant of the animal kingdom, the naming of this plant is not coincidental. You will recognize a skunk first and foremost by the pungent odour kicking your nostrils with solid force. When up in smoke, the skunk hits fast and heavy – this is a smoke for those who can take a punch! With both Sativa and Indica in her genes, the skunk gives a gorgeous combination of high and stone, one of the most sought-after effects in the entire world of cannabis!

The Skunk is probably one of the most satisfying plants to grow. As the Skunk has been around for decades, its genetics have had time to stabilize properly, which gives John Sinclair Skunk a consistent structure and steady bud formation, and she delivers every single time. The growth and flowering is dominated by the Indica genes, although the John Sinclair Skunk will grow somewhat taller than pure Indica strains. She only takes 8-9 weeks to mature, is easy to maintain and will yield abundantly. John Sinclair Skunk is the best choice for a beginner because of its rock solid genetics, stable and reliable performance, quick flowering time and general low maintenance. The Sativa genes manifest when the delightful buds are harvested and smoked – the Skunk effect is legendary - the ultimate combination of high and stoned!

Breed: (Indica x Sativa) x Indica
Flowering: 60 days
Yield: 1.0-1.2 per Watt of light

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Amsterdam Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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