AK 47 Auto

AK 47 Auto

gezüchtet von PEV Seeds Bank

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Infos vom Züchter

AK 47 Auto ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±68 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. PevGrows AK 47 Auto ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

PevGrows AK 47 Auto Beschreibung

PEV Seeds Bank AK 47 Auto In PEV Bank Seeds we are glad to introduce you the best marijuana seeds genetics like AK 47 Autoflowering, a fusion of a pureEuropean genetic which provides you a small-sized plant but with high quality buds.
You will not forget the aroma and fruity taste of its buds!
This cultivar belongs to our European Old School line from Pev Bank Seeds, a stabilized marijuana genetic performed with 21st century technology, enhancing the best features of its original genetic, to give way to superlative plants.

This marijuana plant will be ready to harvest in just 70 days it takes in performing a whole vegetative cycle, giving you dense flowers, very resinous. An extremely potent strain.

Regarding the way of cropping, in outodoor crops, we may obtain a harvest up to 80 grams of buds once dried and cured if we put the sprout in a 11 liters pot or container after seed germination.
In indoor crops I recommend you to put 16 plants per m2, and make a crop in S.O.G, as it's a strain that tends to develop a prominent central bud, driving you to almost half a kilogram of dry bud.
The most surprising thing is that all this happens in only two months from germination. The sweet aroma of its buds will remind you of the tropical juice ... a delight which is up to the most exquisite growers!

We cannot forget its effect, it begins in a very stimulating and creative way to derive in a more corporal high. If you have the possibility to vaporize this marijuana you will have a revealing experience.

We recommend a little caution with the doses for the new users or those who are initiated carrying out extractions with this genetic.

A perfect herb to make deep conversations with friends trying to put the world right ... or leave it that way, but at least with a smile.

More info

Seed Bank: PEV Bank Seeds
Type: Feminized & Autoflowering.
Genotype: AK 47 x Ruderalis.
Phenotype: 70% Indica/ 30% Sativa.
Outdoor height: 70-120 cm.
Indoor height: 40-60 cm.
Outdoor crop N.H: March - October.
Outdoor crop S.H: October - March.
Outdoor yield : up to 100g/plant.
Indoor yield: around 450g/m2.
THC: 17-21%
CBD: 0.22-0.25%
Harvest time from germination: 65-70 days.

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AK 47 Auto Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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